L a
t e
s t

This year, we are once again welcoming two Goethe Fellows to the documenta archiv. Nadia Martin (Buenos Aires) and Anna Petrova (Odessa/Berlin) will be joining the team for the coming months.

D a t e s
& E v
e n t s

Accompanying program to the exhibition "bauhaus | documenta. Vision and Brand"

© documenta archiv / Foto: Nicolas Wefers

Installation view of the exhibition "bauhaus | documenta. Vision and Brand"

The exhibition "bauhaus | documenta. Vision and Brand" is accompagnied by some events. They take place in the Neue Galerie, Schöne Aussicht 1, Kassel.


Friday, May 24, 2019, 6 - 7.30 pm, Neue Galerie Kassel

Dialog: documenta as brand with Daniel Tyradellis


Wednesday, August 14, 2019, 12.30 - 2 pm, Neue Galerie Kassel

Dialog: documenta as brand with Philipp Oswalt

The curator of the exhibition "bauhaus | documenta. Vision and Brand" Philipp Oswalt talks to students of the Arnold Bode School about documenta as a brand.


Friday, August 16, 2019, 6 - 7.30 pm, Neue Galerie Kassel

Dialog: documenta as brand with Philipp Oswalt

The curator of the exhibition "bauhaus | documenta. Vision and Brand" Philipp Oswalt talks to representatives from the tourism, hotel and restaurant industry about documenta as a brand.

Discussion partners: Jasmin Ohlendorf and Rainer Holzhauer from Hotel Renthof, Daniel Pahl from Hotel Restaurant Palmenbad, Heiko Kannenberg from Hostel Sandershaus and Herwig Leuk, Vice President DEHOGA Hessen - North and East Hesse Office.


Friday, September 6, 2019, 6.30 - 8 pm, Neue Galerie Kassel

Dialogue: Heinz Bude in conversation with Philipp Oswalt

A conversation with sociologist Heinz Bude on the cultural brands "Bauhaus" and "documenta", which he looks at from two perspectives: On the one hand, as a phenomenon in the sense of Luc Boltanski’s economy of enrichment: in the post-industrial capitalist economy, wealthy individuals enrich themselves with objects steeped in history and tradition, thus realizing their personal idea of a fulfilled life. On the other hand, the two cultural brands embody ideas, even utopias of the collective, and thus form a critical antithesis to today's tendencies toward individualization.  Seen in this light, cultural brands have a Janus-faced face and appear both emancipative and regressive at the same time.

Saturday, September 7, 2019, 7 - 9 pm, Neue Galerie Kassel

Kasseler Museumsnacht 2019


In the exhibition "bauhaus | documenta. Vision and Brand" (until September 8, 2019 in the Neue Galerie Kassel), not only the famous lamp by Wilhelm Wagenfeld plays a central role, but also the countless counterfeits produced from this Bauhaus icon. In order to illustrate the steadily growing interest and worldwide distribution of this lamp, numerous counterfeits were used for the exhibition both in a large light installation and to illuminate the exhibition.


Wilhelm Wagenfeld exclusively authorised Tecnolumen to produce the reeditions, which is why the Bremen producer keeps a watchful eye on the imitators and producers of plagiarism. He has made available to the exhibition the imitations he has collected himself on the condition that they be destroyed at the end of the exhibition.


On September 7, the Kasseler Museumsnacht and the penultimate day of the exhibition, these counterfeits will now be destroyed in a public event, as is regularly the case in industry with counterfeits of trademark-protected products. The provocative format - in which functional lamps are destroyed because they do not meet the copyright and trademark criteria - expands the dialogue on this multifaceted topic.


With this campaign, the curators want to stimulate a dialogue on topics such as "original and counterfeit", "product and cultural asset" and "brands and sustainability", which are also dealt with centrally in the exhibition.


The event will be accompanied by Philipp Oswalt.