L a
t e
s t

On September 7, the documenta archiv will once again be taking part in the Kassel Museum Night.

Together with cultural scientist Alexia Pooth, we invite you to a filmic journey exploring divided Germany.

D a t e s
& E v
e n t s

#6 documenta 1968 - A hot summer? Lecture by Tim Pickartz


From the documenta archiv #6


Thursday, August 9, 2018, 6:30 pm


Venue: Gießhaus on the area of the university, Mönchebergstraße 5, 34127 Kassel


Admission free


Address of Welcome: Dr. Birgit Jooss, director of the documenta archiv




A collaboration with the documenta professor at the Kunsthochschule Kassel.

© documenta archiv / E. Buttler

E. Buttler: documenta 4, in front „Schichtung 55b“ from Thomas Lenk, 1968, Inventory Number: docA, MS, d4, 10009186

documenta 4 (1968) was advertised as the "youngest documenta ever". In retrospect, however, it appears less visionary than expected and her artistic position weakened by democratization processes.

The documenta founder Arnold Bode, as the main person in charge, was replaced by the "documenta-Rat". Since documenta 5 (1972)  changing personalities are in charge of shaping and modifying the documenta project in various ways.


In Tim Pickartz's lecture an attempt is going to be made to draw a picture of that time. It will not only focus on the iconic year 1968 and the related associations, but will view the documenta 4 preparation process through letters, telegrams, notes, sketches and transcripts. At the center of his discourse is the cooperation between Arnold Bode and other members of the "documenta-Rat" and their conflicts, which eventually culminate in the hot summer of 1968.


The lecturer is a research assistant in the field of art at the Universität Paderborn with a focus on curatorial practice and the mediation of contemporary art. He completed his PhD on the subject of dOCUMENTA (13) and works as a freelance art mediator.