#3 Hans Hillmann "Fliegenpapier". A "comic-concert" with the yam yabasha ensemble, Berlin
Sunday, November 5, 2017, 5 pm
Venue: Gloria-Kino, Friedrich-Ebert Straße 3, Kassel
Tickets: €12 (with concession €9)
Address of Welcome: Dr. Birgit Jooss, director of the documenta archiv
yam yabasha ensemble, Berlin:
Raphael Clamer – Speaker
Uwe Steinmetz – Saxophon
Marcel Krömker – String Bass
Javier Reyes – Drums
Itay Dvori – Piano, Composition and artistic Superintendence
Pre-sales: Gloria-Kino, 0561 – 7667950, www.filmladen.de and at the documenta archiv: 0561 – 70727-3100
Kindly supported by Volksbank Kassel Göttingen
Hans Hillmann: Fly Paper (detail), undated, Photography, 12,8 x 14,7 cm, inventory number: docA, NL Hans Hillmann, Mappe 32, 100010022
On the occasion of the completion of the cataloguing of the personal papers by Hans Hillmann, a documenta 3 artist, the documenta archiv is pleased to announce a "comic concert" orchestrated by yam yabasha ensembles from Berlin on November, 5th 2017, 5 pm.
The score for the graphic novel “Fly Paper” was created by the artist Hans Hillmann – referencing the crime novel of the same name by Dashiell Hammett (1894-1961) – alongside his large scale water color paintings which he created between 1975 to 1982. This pioneering work pre-dates the development of the graphic novel – a term that was coined much later. The story starts with a search for a daughter from a respectable family, who got involved with gangsters; and quickly turns into a murder case.
During the screening the three layers melt together to an extraordinary adventure: the projected images from the graphic novel, the recited text and musical score form a brand new entity.
Inspired by the sequence of the plot the composer Itay Dvori builds up his jazz composition to Hillmann’s work with elements that strongly referencing the music aesthetic of the 1920s-1930s in North America but also leave much room for improvisations.

Performance of the comics-concert, Erlanger Poetenfest 2016, Photographer: Georg Pöhlein

Marlies Rosa Hillmann: Hans Hillmann

Hans Hillmann: Aquarell Fliegenpapier S.140/141 (avant-verlag, 2015), Inventory Number:docA, NL Hillmann, Hans, Folder 2
Fly Paper: A comic-concert with the yam yabasha ensemble, clipping of the premiere on April, 21, 2016 in the Literarisches Colloquium Berlin
Invitation Card