L a
t e
s t

This year, we are once again welcoming two Goethe Fellows to the documenta archiv. Nadia Martin (Buenos Aires) and Anna Petrova (Odessa/Berlin) will be joining the team for the coming months.

P r o j e c t s
& E x h i b
i t i o n s


Installation view, "Arnold Bode Unframed", photos: © hkh / Katrin Venhorst

Installation view, "Arnold Bode Unframed", photos: © hkh / Katrin Venhorst

Installation view, "Arnold Bode Unframed", photos: © hkh / Katrin Venhorst

Installation view, "Arnold Bode Unframed", photos: © hkh / Katrin Venhorst

Installation view, "Arnold Bode Unframed", photos: © hkh / Katrin Venhorst

Installation view, "Arnold Bode Unframed", photos: © hkh / Katrin Venhorst

Installation view, "Arnold Bode Unframed", photos: © hkh / Katrin Venhorst