Archive and Collections
Documenta Exhibition Records
The documenta archiv collects and preserves the original records of the respective documenta organizing teams. It contains exhibition related materials such as correspondence files, sketches, curatorial research memoranda, printed items and press materials, as well as national and international press reviews, regarding the preparation, execution and handling of each documenta exhibition.
The archival material of the documenta exhibitions 1 to 12 are catalogued in finding aids, summarized by topics, and are accessible – in compliance with archival, copyright and privacy laws – for research. They comprise of approximately 2.700 folders in 1070 boxes.
The archival material of documenta exhibitions 13 and 14 have yet to be catalogued. They comprise of 80 linear meters.
The documenta records comprise a total of approximately 320 linear metres.

Arnold Bode: Organization Chart for documenta III, undated, Ink and Crayon on Paper, 20,9 x 29,5 cm, inventory number: documenta archiv, AA, d3, folder 97, fol. 009

Archive boxes at Records and Papers

Handwritten New Year greetings from Arnold Bode, Inventory Number: documenta archiv, AA, d4, Folder 60, fol. 126

Admission tickets and door tags for documenta 12, Inventory Number: documenta archiv, AA, d12, Folder 132
The collection of photographs consists of photographers’ collections, press material from past documenta exhibitions, submissions from artists, and image material submitted by the public for competitions and other purposes. Furthermore, the archive acquires and archives all image material from Kunsthalle Fridericianum. The collection of photographs comprises approximately 250,000 photographs.
Audiovisual Media
The audiovisual collection houses excerpts of film and video works presented at documenta exhibitions as part of the film program or as artworks. In addition, the audiovisual collections focus on the documentation of all documenta exhibitions. The collection of sound recordings includes not only works commissioned for the documenta exhibitions, but also sound recordings of lectures and interviews. The audiovisual collection contains approximately 2,000 analog records and approximately 25 TB of material in digital formats.
Personal Papers
The documenta archiv also collects personal papers. At present, the archive holds the estate of Arnold Bode (1900-1977), founder of the documenta exhibitions and initiator of the documenta archiv. The estates of documenta artists Harry Kramer (1925-1997) and Hans Hillmann (1925-2014) as well as of the art critic Dirk Schwarze (1942-2017) are also housed in the documenta archiv.
The Personal Papers comprise a total of approximately 20 linear metres.
The establishment of a center for curators’ estates is planned for the future.
Arnold Bode
Arnold Bode
In the year after his death, the documenta archiv took over the curatorial estate of Arnold Bode (1900-1977), the founder and initiator of the documenta archiv. The collection includes manuscripts, conceptual papers, diaries, photographs, catalogs, documents and awards, plus furniture, paintings, drawings, prints and sketches made by Bode himself. The collection of art works also includes early examples from the twenties, whereas the curatorial materials focus on the sixties and seventies of the 20th century.

The "Oktogonprojekt", Inventory Number: documenta archiv, Nachlass Bode, Arnold, II/6/62/N

The "Oktogonprojekt", Inventory Number: docA, Nachlass Arnold Bode, II/6/62/N

Personal Papers Arnold Bode

Personal Papers Arnold Bode
Harry Kramer
Harry Kramer
The artist Harry Kramer (1925-1997) was a participant of documenta 3, professor for sculpture at the Kassel School of Arts, and founder of the artist-necropolis in Habichtswald, a nearby forest of Kassel. His estate was entrusted to the documenta archiv in 2006 by his widow, Helga Kramer. With her help, two rooms were set up in nearby Aschrotthaus, where the artist’s estate and works are presented in an atelier-like setting. The extensive estate which includes personal objects, original art works and archival materials of his artistic production and teaching activities can also be viewed upon prior request. The studio is open to visitors by appointment only.

Collage of photos and reports about Atelier Kramer

Harry Kramer: Lolli, 1968, polyester, glass fibre, lead, 85 x 40 x 40 cm.

Gunter Demnig: Portrait Head of Harry Kramer, 1971, gypsum, 28 x 14 cm, Inventory Number: documenta archiv, Nachlass Kramer, Harry, 165
Hans Hillmann in his studio
Hans Hillmann
Graphic artist and designer, Hans Georg Hillmann (1925-2014), is hailed as one of the founders of the modern German film poster, and worked as an illustrator for numerous magazines and publishers. His works were exhibited in 1964, within the section "Design and Graphic Art" of documenta 3. In 2015 his widow bequeathed his personal papers to the documenta archiv. Its holdings include 43 archive boxes filled with archival materials, including diaries and photographs, 7 drawers of posters, drawings and drafts, some 900 publications and a large collection of 35 mm slides.

Hans Hillmann: Untitled, Aquarell, 10 x 11 cm, Signatur: documenta archiv, Nachlass Hillmann, Hans, 158
Hans Hillmann: Die sieben Samurai, 1962, 84 x 59 cm, Inventory Number: documenta archiv, Nachlass Hillmann, Hans, 78

Hans Hillmann: Fly Paper, undated, Photo, 12,8 x 14,7 cm, Inventory Number: documenta archiv, Nachlass Hillmann, Hans, Folder 32, 1022
Dirk Schwarze
In April 2018, the documenta archiv acquired parts of the library and the personal papers by the art critic Dirk Schwarze (1942-2017). The cultural director of the Hessische/Niedersächsische Allgemeine newspaper of many years was an important figure in Kassel's cultural scene. He began his journalistic career at the Rheinische Post in Düsseldorf. Since 1972 he has followed and commented on documenta. His estate contains a comprehensive collection of his press articles not only on documenta and individual artists, but also on the entire art scene in Kassel and the region as well as on international exhibitions. Preparatory documents, notes, printed matter and correspondence round off the collection and paint a picture of Dirk Schwarze's diverse work and commitment.
Performance "A Feather Fell Down on Venice" by Boris Nieslony, 2012 © photo: Monika Sobczak
Schwarze Lade/Black Kit
The internationally unique Performance Art Archive "Schwarze Lade/Black Kit" has been part of the documenta archiv since 2024. Since its foundation in 1981, the special archive created by artists and actors from the performance art scene has developed into an important source of knowledge and an ever-living working tool for artistic formats such as happenings and performance art. Boris Nieslony (born 1945), a Cologne-based artist, participant in documenta 8 (1987) and member of the then seven-member performance group Black Market International, was one of the initiators of the “Black Kit”.
Collection of Press- and Printed Materials
Holdings comprise of an extensive collection of press clippings on artists of the 20th and 21st century worldwide, with a particular emphasis on participating artists of documenta exhibitions. Built up over decades, this comprehensive press collection is complimented by invitation cards and pamphlets on contemporary art. The press clippings and printed materials are sorted alphabetically by artist names. Together they provide an invaluable research base for cultural studies, its reception and art critical research over the past hundred years up to now, and recaptures historical events and trends that are often difficult to research. The entire collection comprises of over 500.000 press clippings, flyers and invitation cards of about 45.000 artists.
The Collection of Press- and Printed Materials comprise a total of approximately 240 linear metres.

Press Folder

Collection of press clippings of artists

Press clipping on the construction of documenta 3, Kasseler Post, 22.06.1964, Inventory Number: documenta archiv, AA, d3, Folder 5