L a
t e
s t

This year, we are once again welcoming two Goethe Fellows to the documenta archiv. Nadia Martin (Buenos Aires) and Anna Petrova (Odessa/Berlin) will be joining the team for the coming months.

D a t e s
& E v
e n t s

apropos documenta – Eine Annäherung des Goethe Instituts Athen an die documenta


Saturday, October 1, 2016 - Friday, June 30, 2017


Venue: Goethe Institute, Athen

© Vangelis Patsialos | epatsialos.gr

documenta 14 will take place in Athens from April 8 to July 16, 2017. On this occasion, the Goethe Institut will invites the public of Athens to take a look at documenta with its history of over 60 years. Rather than displaying a simple chronology, a space for tension will emerge in which the non-visible can be reflected and reverberate. The documenta exhibitions 1 to 13 can be experienced in pictures, films, sound, and words — also by children and young people. Events in the form of lectures, film screenings, guided tours, and concerts are planned at regular intervals. The documenta archiv is supporting this project with catalogs as well as image and video material.

© Vangelis Patsialos | epatsialos.gr
© Vangelis Patsialos | epatsialos.gr
© Vangelis Patsialos | epatsialos.gr