Survival Room – Kassel 21 / Social Sculpture Lab
June 19 - September 26, 2021
Neue Galerie, Museumslandschaft Hessen Kassel
In times of climate crisis, global contrasts, and growing social inequality, the "Kassel-21 / Social Sculpture Lab," founded by artist Shelley Sacks, is a platform for understanding the relationship between inner and outer action and exploring creative forms of thinking collectively. It is open to questions about what a humane and ecologically sustainable future might look like. Involved in this are the tools of consciousness developed by Shelley Sacks, such as the Earth Forum, FRAMETALKS, and the Field of Encounter in Public Space.
The "Survival Room" in the Neue Galerie is an integral part and basis of the Lab. In dialogue with Beuys' installation "The Pack (das Rudel)," which is exhibited on the first floor of the Neue Galerie, it reflects the foundations of Beuys' ideas of social sculpture and the Lab's "connecting practices" based on them. The "Survival Room" offers seminar discussions, global exchange spaces, and other actions that explore fundamental questions about survival: What does it mean to survive? What do we have to do and at what cost? How are freedom and responsibility related? What kind of future do we want? Among other things, visitors are invited to actively participate in the action "A Gift for Joseph Beuys: 3 Pots for the Future."
Shelley Sacks is sponsored by the Hessische Kulturstiftung and the Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung.
Greetings from the Museumslandschaft Hessen Kassel on the occasion of the opening
For more information to the project and the program, please further check:
lemniscate cosmos