Victim or perpetrator? Theses on the National Socialist Past of the Curators of the first documenta (1955)
Digital conference
Friday, June 11, 2021, 10 am - 5 pm
Livestream via YouTube (in German)
Moderation: Dr. Birgitta Coers, Prof. Dr. Kai-Uwe Hemken
View of the Fridericianum during the first documenta (1955).
The Kunsthochschule Kassel (Kassel College of Art, Art Studies) and the documenta archiv are organizing a public digital conference on the connection of the first documenta with National Socialism on June 11, 2021. The event focuses on the exhibition's co-curators at the time, Werner Haftmann and Kurt Martin, who demonstrably held NSDAP membership (Haftmann) or were employed as curators (Martin) during the Nazi dictatorship. In addition, it explores which structures become evident when it is proven that works from the “Degenerate Art” inventory were also exhibited at the first documenta exhibition.
Three panels will discuss the related questions. Speakers include:
Ingo Arend, Wolfgang Benz, Tabea Brinkmann, Heinz Bude, Nanne Buurman, Nikola Doll, Christian Fuhrmeister, Dorothee Gerkens, Eckhard Gillen, Walter Grasskamp, Stefan Greif, Ayşe Güleç, Katja Häckel, Pia Jansen, Alexis Joachimides, Justus Lange, Stefan Koldehoff, Gerhard Panzer, Alexia Pooth, Volker Rattemeyer, Tessa Rosebrock, Thomas Rudert, Anna Rühl, Sabine Schormann, Sylvia Stöbe, Julia Voss, Lena Voss, Alexandra Winterhoff.
10 - 11:30 am
NSDAP-Mitgliedschaft und Kuration/Kustodie während der NS-Herrschaft
Moderation: Dr. Birgitta Coers, Prof. Dr. Kai-Uwe Hemken
Speakers: : Ingo Arend, Wolfgang Benz, Heinz Bude, Christian Fuhrmeister, Ayşe Güleç, Katja Häckel, Alexia Pooth, Tessa Rosebrock, Thomas Rudert und Sylvia Stöbe
11:30 - 12:30 am
12:30 am - 2 pm
Wie lässt sich das Verhältnis der betroffenen historischen Personen zur modernen Kunst und Ausstellungen zur modernen Kunst definieren? Welche Rolle spielte die Kunstkritik?
Moderation: Dr. Birgitta Coers, Prof. Dr. Kai-Uwe Hemken
Speakers: Dorothee Gerkens, Eckhard Gillen, Stefan Greif, Pia Jansen, Alexis Joachimides, Gerhard Panzer und Julia Voss
2 - 3 pm
3 - 4:30 pm
Kontinuitäten. Netzwerk im NS: Kunsthandel, Sammler, Kulturpolitik. Werke der modernen Kunst als Bestandteil des Konvoluts ‚Entartete Kunst’ und als Exponate der ersten documenta
Moderation: Dr. Birgitta Coers, Prof. Dr. Kai-Uwe Hemken
Speakers: Tabea Brinkmann, Nanne Buurman, Nikola Doll, Walter Grasskamp, Stefan Koldehoff, Justus Lange, Tessa Rosebrock, Anna Rühl, Lena Voss und Alexandra Winterhoff
4:30 - 5 pm
Fragen! Antworten? Fragen!… Welche Schlussfolgerungen lassen sich ausgehend von den Diskussionen und dem bisherigen Kenntnisstand ziehen?
Moderation: Dr. Birgitta Coers, Prof. Dr. Kai-Uwe Hemken
Speakers: Heinz Bude, Nikola Doll, Eckhard Gillen, Katja Häckel, Pia Jansen, Alexis Joachimides, Stefan Koldehoff, Volker Rattemeyer, Sabine Schormann und Julia Voss
A collaboration between the Kunsthochschule Kassel/Universität Kassel and the documenta archiv, Kassel.
The conference is funded by the Fritz Thyssen Stiftung.