L a
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s t

On September 7, the documenta archiv will once again be taking part in the Kassel Museum Night.

Together with cultural scientist Alexia Pooth, we invite you to a filmic journey exploring divided Germany.

D a t e s
& E v
e n t s

#3 Shifts and Postponements: On Exhibition Histories and Archive. Lecture by Rike Frank


documenta Institute Discourse #3


Wednesday, April 11, 2018, 6.30 pm


Venue: Auditorium of the Kunsthochschule Kassel, Menzelstraße 13-15


Admission free


Address of Welcome: Prof. Dr. Nora Sternfeld, documenta professor


A collaboration with the documenta professor at the Kunsthochschule Kassel.

In this lecture the focus of interest is an approach to exhibition history that, to some extent, breaks with museum-led conventions of "historical reconstruction". The starting points are Charlotte Posenenske’s demand for a “hard realism” (in her one’s own practice), a visit to the 3rd Bahia Bienniale two years after the closing of the exhibition, and Sarah Pierce’s considerations in “It’s Time Man, It Feels Imminent” (2009) and “The Community of the Exhibition” (2017). Against this background, Rike Frank would like to discuss the various temporalities that permeate exhibition contexts, and their resultant effects. Furthermore, she will address the question of to what extent practicing exhibition history in particular can be productive in questioning existing logics of “framing,” “experiencing,” and “naming.”


Rike Frank is a curator and writer based in Berlin. From 2014 to 2018 she taught exhibition history, theory, and practice in her role as Associate Professor of Exhibition Studies at the Academy of Fine Art of the Oslo National Academy of the Arts (KHiO). She was previously responsible for the programming of the exhibition space at the Academy of Fine Arts Leipzig (HGB); she was also a member of the programming team of the European Kunsthalle, project leader of documenta 12, and curator at the Secession in Vienna. From 2016 to 2017 she planned the conference series “Of(f) Our Times: The Aftermath of the Ephemeral and other Curatorial Anachronics” together with Beatrice von Bismarck, focusing on alternative approaches to dealing with exhibition history.