Solidarity with Ukraine
© documenta archiv / Foto: Thomas Bruns
Kassel at night last Saturday: Horst H. Baumann's laser is off, but the top of the Fridericianum lights up in the colors of Ukraine.
Kassel at night last Saturday: Horst H. Baumann's laser is off, but the top of the Fridericianum lights up in the colors of Ukraine.

© documenta archiv / Foto: Thomas Bruns
The Museum Fridericianum at night in March 2022, crowned by the six allegorical statues representing philosophy, astronomy, history, architecture, painting and sculpture, in the colors of the Ukrainian state.

© documenta archiv / Foto: Thomas Bruns
STOP THE WAR, STOP PUTIN - "Anti War Drawings" by Dan Perjovschi, 2022